
Keith does an excellent job explaining complex concepts in easily digestible ways


Keith is experienced in developing and delivering training on a number of topics and in different formats: live, virtual/remote, and via SCORM-compliant packages that can be implemented in your LMS or direct on a company intranet site. He provides training in public settings as well as bespoke training for individual organizations. For testimonials, click here. For an example training package see here. Further training examples below:


Keith is a Senior RBQM Trainer at Cyntegrity. Available training through Cyntegrity which he is involved with:

mindsON Academy: Green Belt, Black Belt and Black Belt Mastery Courses on RBQM

mindsON RBQM: Series with an interactive session every month. Started in January 2022 and now extended into 2024 due to demand. Focusing on practical aspects of Risk-Based Quality Management in ICH E6 R2 section 5.0 and Quality by Design in ICH E8 R1 with examples. Run jointly with Johann Proeve.


Root Cause Analysis and Critical Thinking

“Create a culture that values and rewards critical thikning and open, proactive dialogue about what is critical to quality” says ICH E8 R1. Does your organization do this? Do people really understand the importance of Quality by Design, Risk-Based Quality Management and Root Cause Analysis? And, perhaps, more importantly, are there people in your organization who know how to do this? I have worked with multiple organizations helping them in these areas by encouraging a focus on people and process as well as the technology, and using many practical examples.


Developing and Using KPIs, KRIs and Metrics

Are you and your team confused by how the different types of metrics should fit together? What’s a leading or a lagging metric? How is it best to normalize a metric? Why is it so important to have a Key Performance Question for each metric? What do others in the industry measure? How do you interpret the data? I can help you answer these questions and more using practical examples. And I can help you develop metrics that are meaningful.


If you’re interested in discussing training options, please use the Got a Question link.