Is more QC ever the right answer? Part II

In part I of this post, I described how some processes have been developed that they can end up being the worst of all worlds by adding a QC step – they take longer, cost more and give quality the same (or worse) than a one step process. So why would anyone implement a process like this? Because “two sets of eyes are better than one!”

What might a learning approach with better quality and improved efficiency look like? I would suggest this:

In this process, we have a QC role and the person performing that role takes a risk-based approach to sampling the work and works together with the Specialist to improve the process by revising definitions, training etc. The sampling might be 100% for a Specialist who has not carried out the task previously. But would then reduce down to low levels as the Specialist demonstrates competence. The Specialist is now accountable for their work – all outputs come from them. If a high level of errors is found then an escalation process is needed to contain the issue and get to root cause (see previous posts). You would also want to gather data about the typical errors seen during the QC role and plot them (Pareto charts are ideal for this) to help focus on where to develop the process further.

This may remind you of the move away from 100% Source Document Verification (SDV) at sites. The challenge with a change like this is that the process is not as simple – it requires more “thinking”. What do you do if you find a certain level of errors? This is where the reviewer (or the CRA in the case of SDV) need a different approach. It can be a challenge to implement properly. But it should actually make the job more interesting.

So, back to the original question: Is more QC ever the answer? Sometimes – But make sure you think through the consequences and look for other options first.

In my next post, I’ll talk about a problem I come across again and again. People don’t seem to have enough time to think! How can you carry out effective root cause analysis or improve processes without the time to think?

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